Preorder Masks directly through Backerkit!

Preorder Masks directly through Backerkit!

Preorder Masks directly through Backerkit!

We’re proud to announce that the preorder for Masks is now available through Backerkit. For a limited time, we’re offering our two all-inclusive packages that get you all four books, dice, and more ($135 softcover /$200 hardcover). Thanks for your support!

27 thoughts on “Preorder Masks directly through Backerkit!”

  1. Just pre-ordered. Note, the estimated delivery date requires a time-travel power. I will check my bookshelves and make sure the books didn’t arrive last July. I’m guessing that was meant to say 2016?

  2. Awesome! Thanks, Grey Kitten! (We’ve corrected the date… but we’ll also look into asking some Halcyon City heroes to use their time travel powers for delivery!)

  3. Yeah, that’s right, I’m a super-hero with powers to bend time and space. Do I use my powers to fight crime and save humanity from super-villains? No, that’s freaking dangerous. People get killed doing that. No way. I work for UPS, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Amazon now. It’s my job to make sure your order gets there as soon as you click checkout. Turns out, it’s only slightly less dangerous than the vigilante gig.

  4. That exchange reminds me of a bit from one of my short stories.

    “No, no. I’m a werewolf. I can be a wolf or a can be human. My cousin went past just werewolf in like the third grade. She can do intermediary forms and I don’t know how many different animals. I’ve never had the interest to learn how to do all that. I barely even do the wolf thing.”

    “Impressive, what does she do for a living?”

    “She teaches. Can you imagine that? She has all this talent. She’s trained herself up all her life and all she does is teach other shapeshifters.”

    “What’s wrong with that?”

    “She’s married to a full time Siskind family witch hunter. I mean if you were her wouldn’t you be getting on the costume and going out to be a battle buddy with your husband?”

    “Let me ask you a question, Jason.”


    “A couple of weeks ago with the plane crash, Burmese soldiers, military uprights, literal rogue Gods trying to kidnap Hel…who turns out to be The Hel…at any point during that mess were you thinking ‘hey this is fun, I should try this again,’ hmm?”


    “There you go.”

  5. Simon .Grey – We’re not making the current playtest documents available, but we will make the new revision available to all backers and preorders next month!

  6. I’ve been looking into PbtA games recently and found this game, but I don’t see an option to pre-order the PDF on BackerKit like the Kickstarter. Is that still an option or will it be in the future?

  7. So, to be absolutely clear: I just pre-ordered the soft-copy, but missed the Kickstarter. I understand that I miss out on the PDF, but I do get access to the playtest copy?

  8. Josh Bran – You’ll get the PDF when it’s released. We’re not doing preorders for JUST the PDF. If you’ve ordered the book, you’ll get the PDF when it’s ready. 😀

    As for the playtest documents, we’re close to releasing the finalized playbooks. We’ll get those to preorder folks when we release them to backers.

  9. Please don’t forget, those of us who pre-ordered through backerkit but missed the actual Kickstarter don’t have access to see backer-only updates. If there are updates to when things will be available, please double-post someplace like here where we can all keep in the loop!

  10. The last kickstarter update on Feb 2nd said the backerkit was probaly going to be closed by the end of the month, it’s March 11th now and the Backerkit still seems to be open. Is there a new estimated lockdown date? I’m just curious to make sure I have the proper funds in the right account for when the money is collected.

  11. Eager to be able to buy the pdf around here. I missed the KS and haven’t had the chance to access the document.


  12. So, can you give me a ballpark on when those of us who missed the kickstarter but pre-ordered through backerkit will see anything? Weeks? Months? A year or more?

  13. Grey Kitten – We’re finalizing the art for the Core Rulebook as quickly as we can. We hope to have the full PDF out to everyone in a matter of weeks. We’ll update everyone here when we know a precise timeline.

  14. Just thought you should know that you can credit my preorder to The Gauntlet Podcast. Their play reports made this sound like a must-have purchase.

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