Hi there! Do someone know where I can find the stylish SotI playbooks as seen in this picture here:

Hi there! Do someone know where I can find the stylish SotI playbooks as seen in this picture here:

Hi there! Do someone know where I can find the stylish SotI playbooks as seen in this picture here: 


Thanks in advance!


14 thoughts on “Hi there! Do someone know where I can find the stylish SotI playbooks as seen in this picture here:”

  1. Ok, my brother convinced me an horizontal sheet would be better for use at the table, so I ended up doing a little tweak on the original Jason Morningstar concept:


    OBS: I included my Skald rolebook based on Luigi Briganti original. Oh and we also tweaked “When you die a pagan” (we found it favored +versed characters too much).

    With that done, my next target is updating Jason sheets as is. I will post here as soon as possible. Thanks again to Jason for sharing its original sheets. 😉

  2. Vinicius Lessa: I know you’re doing this for free out of the good of your heart, but I just wanted to give a bump and ask whether there was any progress on it? No progress demanded! Just curious.

  3. Kit La Touche, sorry for the late answer. Progress is halted at this point, but I intend to finish it as soon as life permits. I expect having free time to do it by mid April. I will update it here.

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