So I’m just wondering how some of you handle the move use magic.

So I’m just wondering how some of you handle the move use magic.

So I’m just wondering how some of you handle the move use magic. In our first session it was only used twice. Both times by the initiate. The first time was to deal damage. Then later the roof collapsed in one of the areas in the house to separate my two players. Well he instantly (by the way he is 9 years old) said he wanted to use magic to throw the debri out through the hole in the ceiling. It was a 10+ so why not? I let him do it since it seemed like it would fall under the ‘do one thing that is beyond human limitations.’

2 thoughts on “So I’m just wondering how some of you handle the move use magic.”

  1. My players are using a lot of big magic recently because I’m narrow with ‘one thing beyond human limitation’. I find you do need to be careful with that one, as EVERYTHING they can’t do is one thing beyond. Generally I save it for seeing the invisible, or when our Troll uses his sense of smell, or that one time someone banished a ghost with ‘the magic of a kiss’. 

    In the end it’s what works for your group. be consistent, but you may need to reign it in if they abuse it. In this case, if the character was well schooled in the arcane, this is probably fine. I wouldn’t let the mundane do it, but the initiate might be that weird.

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