If you haven’t seen Dark Matter, I highly recommend it.

If you haven’t seen Dark Matter, I highly recommend it.

If you haven’t seen Dark Matter, I highly recommend it. My wife and I have been watching Season 1 on Netflix (haven’t finished yet, please be kind) and loving it tons. I can’t help but think it’s format would make a fantastic Uncharted Worlds game. It’s a Ship campaign, everyone has their Careers and four skills, and the Jump Point is waking up to your ship falling apart with no memory of how this came to be. Every moment that happens in play that is new for the players is just as new for the characters! You can ask players about their characters by asking them what they discover about themselves on the SectorNet! Every time they advance and take a new Skill, it really is them just suddenly remembering they can do this thing!

A+ show, A+ inspiration.

6 thoughts on “If you haven’t seen Dark Matter, I highly recommend it.”

  1. I feel like that’s not taking into account how inaccessible those seem to be. At least in S1, those both seem like corporate tools – far beyond the reach of these space yokels we’re following around. How they wound up with The Android completely eludes me.

  2. Thanks for the recommendation. Really liking it. For some reason it feels like it’s channeling part of Firefly’s soul. Hopefully it doesn’t share the same fate.

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