I have a player that is going to use The Angel.

I have a player that is going to use The Angel.

I have a player that is going to use The Angel. What do I have to look forward to, here? I don’t have the archetype and all the player will share is the moveset they’ve selected to use.

Any surprises in store for me? What kind of stories do Angels tell?

7 thoughts on “I have a player that is going to use The Angel.”

  1. Yeah, that. You can’t spotlight their character if you don’t even know what their character is, and it is absolutely uncool and ridiculous to expect you to run a game for an archetype whose mechanics and themes you don’t know.

  2. No, I didn’t get it the first time I read this.

    WHY, for Odin, wouldn’t your friend share a playbook with his MC?

    This is, simply, against the rules.

    And, very very IMHO, it’s not a very mature behaviour…

  3. Appreciate the link!

    The answer is, of course, because there’s a bit of grey area with the entire process. This person had to pay to get legal access to this playbook. I suspect they aren’t providing the thing for one of two reasons;

    • they misunderstood when I said I did not have the book

    • they do not want to give away someone else’s intellectual property.

    And, frankly, I gotta respect it if it’s the last one. This isn’t a book I can only grab from; it’s digital, and it drastically complicates the ethical dimension. We’ll see moving forward.

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