Hi you all

Hi you all

Hi you all,

Here I am to ask feedback on two playbooks we are playing out in our campaign (Mauro Ghibaudo  Fabio Succi Cimentini  Mario Bolzoni  Steve DeCarli  and I).

What feels wrong for us, on the Doomed and Nova playbooks, is the absence of playbook’s moves. This way, customization isn’t really present at creation, and future choices when you get experience (potential) are very limited.

Is that a a feeling others got?

Magpie Games  Brendan Conway 

I’d add the following discussion about the Playtest report (sorry for the log text):

We played some session, here some thought:

– About the Doomed:

At least a GM move Doomed-related is still linked to the old version: “Offer a chance to further their cause”, but the cause was replaced by the Nemesis, so a double check about that could be useful.

It could be useful to have some hint about how to use the “What brings your Doom closer?”; for example, can the GM use it on a 6- (“You overexteted yourself, mark the Doom Track”, or “You still succeed, but”), or on a 7-9 on Unleash your powers? (Like “You can succed, but only if you overexert yourself”, but this would be neither an unstable nor a temporary effect, it’s a condition for the success.)

Also, I was wondering: why did you remove the Dooms list? There were some interesting Doom, my whole character concept come out of that list (plus the Vitality absorption power), so I was curious about why you removed it instead of leaving it (maybe with a “Create your own” added?).

– About Conditions:

“*To clear Angry*, hurt someone or break something important”: there was a bit of discussion if “important” refers also to someone, or just to something: is hurting a person important enough per se, or has it to be an important person?

The action to clear Hopeless seems off with respect to the others: while the other actions makes your life somehow more complicated, “fling yourself into easy relief” seems to miss that aspect, so we were wondering if it’s to make the game more light, or what’s the reason.

– About Moves:

When you accept what someone with Influence over you says, the GM shifts your Labels; we were wondering about letting the character’s player shifting them, since it’s the player that knows what was trying to get the character to accept. We didn’t have any problem in having the GM shift them, but the natural approach was for the player (so, we went something like “Shift my Labels. No, right, it’s the GM”).

About Pierce the Masks, it seems to us there is half a move missing: all the questions seems to be somehow mask-related, being an inquire about a plan, about what the other wants to do (that seems overlapping), etc.; what we missed was some question like “What are you feeling?” “Are you saying the truth?” “Are you hiding anything?”, something to see the person behind the masks – that seems quite the point of the move.

Team Moves and Moment of Truth: these are more for maximum clarity than anything else, but since Team Moves – given the name – seems to trigger only when applied towards teammates, maybe the wording would be clearer as When you […] with a teammate, rather than “with someone”? And, about Moment of Truth, it’s not explicitly said anywhere that after unlocking it you can use it just one time: it’s implied, since you can unlock it two times, but maybe something like “*After you unlock your Moment of Truth*, you can activate it once at any time”?

Please let me also know if more feedback, if we’ll have any more, could be useful, since the playtesting term ends in a coupla days.

6 thoughts on “Hi you all”

  1. More to the point, while advancing I miss the chance to have some Doomed-linked advancement (beside Clear or take a Doomsign), something designed to develop Doomed’s theme and to diversify Doomed characters (in the way chossing a move rather than another diversifies – say – a Bull from another); there are new Flares and Doomsigns, but it doesn’t quite feel the same. Now I will keep playing and see if I keep having this feeling.

  2. Well yeah, they’re quite the “single power with different manifestations” kind of guys. Ok. But the feeling is there, leaving a taste of them being less enjoyable on the long run.

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