I’m looking for a PbtA game where the PCs were a gang of thieves, pulling heists and expanding their turf in a very…

I’m looking for a PbtA game where the PCs were a gang of thieves, pulling heists and expanding their turf in a very…

I’m looking for a PbtA game where the PCs were a gang of thieves, pulling heists and expanding their turf in a very dark and gritty steampunk-esque world. The touchstones were Thief, Dishonored, and the Gentlemen Bastard series. Does anyone know this game?

9 thoughts on “I’m looking for a PbtA game where the PCs were a gang of thieves, pulling heists and expanding their turf in a very…”

  1. Dishonored, and Gentlemen Bastard…

    hmmm… should be interesting playbooks adapted for AW, as well…

    Thief — sounds so blandly mundane; shadow bird, cat swindler, or highway shark, might be more interesting terms for playbook names…

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