Si c’est Vincent qui le dit!

Si c’est Vincent qui le dit!

Si c’est Vincent qui le dit!

Originally shared by Vincent Baker

Powered by the Apocalypse

So right now we’re working on organizing the text for AW2E and it means I’ve been looking through A LOT of PbtA games. I’m looking at how they present and organize themselves, who they presume their audience will be, how they communicate with that audience and how they address themselves to other audiences, and can I just say? Action Movie World is really good.

Here’s a bit from the author’s foreword:

“…Flatland Games is a small press, we know that you sought out ACTION MOVIE WORLD: FIRST BLOOD because you already like roleplaying games, not because you stumbled on it in your local bookstore.

“This is a stupid roleplaying game. That’s not to say that there’s not an examination of action movies going on in this book. [And it’s a sharp one. -VB] It is to say that this examination shouldn’t be foremost in your mind as you settle down for a game. Just be dumb when you’re playing this. Dumb and loud and happy.”

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