I have a question about the Protege, namely about the mentor. Maybe I’m just not getting what’s meant by denying a label. I get what embody is about, but by deny are a talking consciously denying a label? Or they passively like….don’t live up to that label?
I have a question about the Protege, namely about the mentor.
I have a question about the Protege, namely about the mentor.
Up to you!
What Adam said. It seems like a vague answer, but both of those are valid interpretations (and there’s probably more than just those two) and which reading works best for you will largely come down to the mentor in question. My awfully-simplifying take on it: what really matters at the core of mentor labels is that there’s a “Yes” label and a “No” label, and how those express themselves is open to your creative thinking.
Your mentor could be a meditative monk whose beliefs discourage violence and aggression, disempowering Danger through general philosophy and the education of alternatives. You could be mentored by your old football coach turned into a terrifying mutant, who loudly, actively and angrily denies Freak despite your crazy powers and all those tentacles he’s grown. You could get your superhero education from a sentient, supposedly-all-knowing orb of cosmic starlight ignorant to the fact that the Earthling concept of being Mundane even exists.
Those are all mentors, all denying a label, all in slightly different ways. Hopefully that helps.
Thank you both so much for the speedy response! Absolutely love how interpretation of that is open ended, cause you’re right. There’s different ways to spin that, and all depends on the concept behind the mentor themselves.