My players have sometimes found it difficult to sift through a bunch of playbooks in PbtA games when they get to…

My players have sometimes found it difficult to sift through a bunch of playbooks in PbtA games when they get to…

My players have sometimes found it difficult to sift through a bunch of playbooks in PbtA games when they get to that “Take a move from another playbook” advancement. For this weekend’s Urban Shadows debut, I decided to just compile all the eligible moves onto a legal-sized trifold brochure in Google Docs.

This is basically just the same content you see in the freely available archetypes at Magpie’s site, with a few (minor?) edits. Some text was removed or shifted around to make it fit better, and some moves were omitted entirely because I don’t think they make sense for players to take them when taking moves from other playbooks (and I like igniting nerdy arguments). Notably, I took out any move that requires extras from elsewhere in the archetype (e.g., faerie magic, demon form, wolf territory) or that simply makes no sense whatsoever (e.g., Manifest and Link, which you probably don’t need if you’re not a ghost). I might make some more minor edits as I make sure this week that it fits on a printed page properly.

Hope you find it useful!

10 thoughts on “My players have sometimes found it difficult to sift through a bunch of playbooks in PbtA games when they get to…”

  1. Not sure what happened there – I was able to print it out on two pages just fine myself – but it wasn’t just you! It looks like my spacing got messed up somehow. Should be fixed now, I hope. 

  2. There are opportunities to take corruption moves from other archetypes when you mark corruption. You would only take a corruption move in that case, not from “normal” advances.

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