A couple of rules questions:

A couple of rules questions:

A couple of rules questions:

1. How do you resolve multiple players attempting the change the booking of a match? For example, a heel uses their move to win a match, but their opponent is a Hardcore that wants to use Rules? What Rules? which has the capability of also overriding creative’s booking. Is the Hardcore allowed to do this, negating the heel’s move? Or does the booking decision go to the first one to initiate it? And if someone wanted to run in after that, causing a third Creative override, would they get the final say?

2. When a player is in a tag match with a NPW partner, and the NPW is the legal wrestler and wants to tag out, should the player still roll for a hot tag on behalf of his partner? Or should it just resolve without a move?


8 thoughts on “A couple of rules questions:”

  1. The other way I’ve seen it resolved is letting everyone re-spend points, but that just means the 1 guy not in the match has a 4-5 momentum lead on everyone else.

    The mean thing to do would be to follow the fiction, and to say no matter how the match ends, it’s seen as a clusterfck.

  2. I have a question towards this as well. It’s still creative’s final decision towards rules right? I love that players can create and alter story lines but I had to talk my buddy out of using his heel move to win a title match on his first night. I didn’t want to book it but he interrupted the champion, cut a promo and demanded a title shot. I loved that he did it, but when it came time to end the match and I told him he was booked to lose, he wanted to use his heel move to win the match. I was just going to make him win by DQ so he still would have won but not win the title if he was persistent but he came to his senses.

    Also, what should you do if a player keeps running in on every match? I play will assholes so I’m preparing for the worse. 🙂

  3. Tyler,  I think those are problems solved by the players, not the rules. Have a chat with everyone about the kind of game you want to run. You COULD run WWWRPG as an everyone-for-themselves slugfest (where people injure each other into oblivion), but that’s one set of keys on the piano.

    Remind people of RL cool feuds that ended because one person lost.

    And remember the booking always goes out the window. So the heel cheated and won his first match. Give him the belt (and the advance), but you’re perfectly fine in putting a target on his back. NOBODY backstage is going to be happy that he cut in line. Trash his locker room. Interview other PCs (on camera and off) about what that means for the title picture.

    Just don’t take away peoples victories; it’s a shared story you’re discovering.

  4. Good points. I let them run wild during the episode but when he tried to win the title, I kind of asked “are you sure you want to do that, it’s your first night”? And he agreed it would be weird if he did it.

  5. I houseruled myself that the heel/vet moves (and any others really) that result in a “Win” in title matches, don’t result in a title change. IE, Countout, DQ, Dusty Finish, etc..

  6. I follow the fiction! The Heel cheats, now they’re winning, we narrate what that looks like, now the Anti-Hero uses their Move, now they’re winning, we narrate what that looks like! Chaos and clusterfuck endings happen sometimes.

    Tyler Reeves sounds like you handled it fine. There is a balance of not invalidating player Moves, but also keeping to what you want to see happen as Creative. Some out -of-character discussion can help! Also, you can turn it back on them later – they won the title, now they get booked in a handicap match to lose it, now it’s in a cage, now they’re stripped of it due a backstage scuffle, etc etc.

    One thing I often do is not introduce titles until a couple of Episodes in, so everyone has a change to establish a status quo before championships get involved.

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