I hope you all know about Miska Fredman and his mapping projects. There is even a Patreon or him to create new maps and he shares them in his feed.
I hope you all know about Miska Fredman and his mapping projects.
I hope you all know about Miska Fredman and his mapping projects.
Heya! I’m sure Miska does great work, but UW itself isn’t the kind of game that usually uses fixed maps. Not really the correct forum/group for this particular promotion.
Ok. I’ve found out that fixed maps are a great addition for any AWengine game. They are not necessarily needed but since most players are accustomed to have them around they get them quite easily in the right mood.
On topic, I’m looking to build a starmap with jumplanes for my Perseus Expanse campaign. Simple stars and lines. I was thinking we could fill it in as we play?
Graham Spearing What I tend to do is the circles and lines “map”. A circle is a sector with one or more points of interest (planet, moon, asteroid mining colony, space station, derelict ship, etc) and the lines leading off the circle are known Jump Points that lead to other circles. A dotted line is a theoretical Jump Point discovered by a Wild Jump, either by the players or hinted at by NPCs (smugglers and space pirates tend to use semi-stable Jump Points as back doors in and out of civilized space)
Sean Gomes Snap! Though I haven’t had to start marking theoretical points, because people haven’t been risking Wild Jumps, and haven’t really ventured into uncivilised space yet. Here’s what the #RustbucketTales map looked like a few sessions ago (before the tiger incident): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7tl0W6cc0eHVzZvTjVJcGp5cjA/view?usp=sharing