10 thoughts on “Hello! Has any actual play been recorded using The sprawl? :)”

  1. It’s something that I have at the back of my mind, but it would mean a significant investment in time and equipment that I can’t prioritise right now. I’d definitely love to do that in the future though.

  2. If I get through the book I plan on doing one. I will record it if I do. In fact, when I am ready I will look for the players from this group and we can record it on YouTube.

  3. I did a pass through my recordings and stupidly we did not record Gina’s game even though it would have been easy to do so. Silly us I’m afraid.

  4. Would you be interested in recording a game or two at Gamex, Jason Tryon?

    (We can talk more about this off-list, just teasing the possibility here 😉 )

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