


The elusive Japanese pig oni is a creature hunters seldom face.   It typically appears in the form a pig, either as an adult or piglet with a missing ear and casts no shadow.  Its mean of attack is to run between the legs of its victim (or in some legends brush the leg) and instantly tear out the soul, causing instant death.    As the katakirauwa leaves no physical signs of violence, the cause of death is typically attributed to heart attack other mundane cause.  It is only under occult inquirer that true cause of death be revealed.


The primary weakness of katakirauwa is geography.   Like much the oni pantheon, geographic and symbolic boundaries matter.  Oni often lurk near rivers, beaches, great edifices and archways.  These are sympathetic representations of the divide between the mortal world and the spirit world.  If one slays an oni’s mortal form near such boundaries, it’s spiritual essence will escape across to the spiritual live and return to trouble Man another day.  If however it’s mortal form is slain away from boundaries, its spiritual essence will be confused and disoriented, giving the hunter time to bind it to an object and decide what to do with the creature at their leisure.