Hamish Cameron Was curious if there was going to be an index added to the rule book somewhere down the line in a…

Hamish Cameron Was curious if there was going to be an index added to the rule book somewhere down the line in a…

Hamish Cameron Was curious if there was going to be an index added to the rule book somewhere down the line in a later release? 

7 thoughts on “Hamish Cameron Was curious if there was going to be an index added to the rule book somewhere down the line in a…”

  1. I don’t mind searching, I’m just too used to having indices in my books. I’m still wrapping my head around a PBTA game. They’re damn interesting.

  2. Hamish Cameron I do a lot of the time for quick reference stuff. Like I said, it’s just something that I’m used to most of the time. I’m not demanding one or anything. Just curious. 

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