Social Media For Online Games

Social Media For Online Games

Social Media For Online Games

Hey Masks Lovers!

I’m about to start two concurrent Masks games playing online on a bi-weekly basis with the conceit that both teams are in the same city and can crossover as necessary. I’m super excited about getting these groups going and have a couple of little tricks (weekly news-paper articles! Giant Sized Issues!) but was trying to work out a good way to have some shared social media going.

Teenage superheroes ought to be texting or tweeting or something, so I’d love to have some kind of an ongoing available chat/forum for this, ideally one that’s easy to get people to check.

Any advice from people for the best way to do this? I considered Slack, but I’m not sure if there’s a better way.


3 thoughts on “Social Media For Online Games”

  1. Have you looked at Obsidian Portal? It has an Adventure Log blog area where people can keep journals of the sessions, as well as a forum section that you can use for whatever you want.

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