Should have put this here to start, I guess? I don’t get G+.

Should have put this here to start, I guess? I don’t get G+.

Should have put this here to start, I guess? I don’t get G+.

Originally shared by Russell Borogove

I’m thinking of house-ruling Help/Interfere in AW2E, such that announcing your help or interference BEFORE the other player’s die roll is worth a full category shift on a hit (so 7 becomes 10+ on help, or 9 becomes 6- on interfere, for example), while announcing AFTER the other player’s die roll is only worth +/- 1, in order to encourage taking risks with those moves.

Talk me out of it? Meguey Baker Vincent Baker

3 thoughts on “Should have put this here to start, I guess? I don’t get G+.”

  1. If you allow interference after a roll, doesn’t that mean the interfered will know in advance whether the +/-1 will actually make a difference and is worth doing? It seems to me they will only bother if the roll was within 1 point of a shift up or down. That seems like an odd intersection of rules information and in-character info.

  2. Simon Hibbs Correct. That’s how almost all groups play AW IMX, however.

    I’m trying to encourage early declaration of help/interfere by making that mode more powerful.

  3. I’ve always MCed with needing to announce help/interfere before the roll.  But, I like the idea of your house-rule, it seems to be a good alternative.

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