Star Wars Rathtar

Star Wars Rathtar

Star Wars Rathtar

Description: A terrifying alien predator

Type: Beast 

Power: Tentacles, teeth, relentless and ravenous

Weakness: Sunlight, Chocolate is Highly Toxic

Attack: Grapple and Bite (See Custom Rules)    

Harm Capacity: 10, 2 Armor

Finn:”You’re not hauling rathtars?” 

Han Solo:”I’m hauling rathtars.” 

These alien predators originated long ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Rathtars were large, octopus-like creatures that slither on land. They are very dangerous creatures known for hunting in packs on their home world. On Earth they find our sunlight damaging and will also expire suddenly if fed even relatively small amounts of chocolate. Otherwise they are relentless, ravenous and often unstoppable.

If you are grappled by a ravenous rathtar; roll +Tough.

•On a 10+ you break free and avoid damage

•On a 7-9 you break free and suffer 1 Harm

•On 6 or less it grapples and bites you for 4 Harm