I have a question about Hit the Street move.

I have a question about Hit the Street move.

I have a question about Hit the Street move. If you get 7-9 and choose that your contact needs help, is it assumed that he needs the help now thus generating a sort of side quest in middle of the mission or can it be handled like a new mission after the current mission finishes?

9 thoughts on “I have a question about Hit the Street move.”

  1. I think you can do as you like and maybe it’s not allways a whole mission, it could be just a little problem to solve (with consequences of course).

  2. It’s meant to be a complication, so generally, I’d expect something relatively immediate – but as Yann said, it doesn’t need to be something big and time consuming. Consider using the “Conduct an Operation” move to resolve them as a single action, but failing that, I’d expect them to be no more than a scene or two.

    That said, if you think the contact needing help has the potential to be a mission in its own right (notably, something the PCs can get paid for rather than as a pure favour), I don’t think it would be unreasonable to resolve some preliminary element of the mission immediately, then deal with it in full once the current job is done.

  3. Sometimes I could do something like : “ok I give you what you want but I want you to do __ in return. If you can’t do it now, do it after your mission, but if you let me down, don’t count on me anymore”.

  4. I like to think of it like a contact saying “sure I’ll help you, but you owe me one”, “do this for me and I’ll get you what you need” or “I’ll give you what you want, but I want something out of it”.

  5. I’m currently using that as a piggyback an additional task onto the mission. The contact, a real estate manager, got the PCs access to an arcology they’re meant to remove a gang from. In exchange, they have to replace the ownership certificate cards in at least one apartment with spoofed ones the contact gave them or suffer the consequences.

  6. In this case it just fit too well narratively. Doing that means that they’ll have to spend more time in apartments, leaving themselves open to complications. It also gives our tech something to do in what’s shaping up to be a pretty violent mission. I think the key for me, partically because I’m running a play by post game (which aren’t so easy to do sidequests in) was trying to think of stuff that could be woven into the current mission structure, but adds a new layer of complexity to it.

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