Hey, I just had a couple of questions.

Hey, I just had a couple of questions.

Hey, I just had a couple of questions. Firstly, when a character advances and they haven’t used their xp trigger, do they have to discard it for a new one or can they keep it if they want to?

Secondly, if a faction offers a mission for the crew is it reasonable for that mission to clear up debt for several players or just one?


3 thoughts on “Hey, I just had a couple of questions.”

  1. #1: Rules As Written, yes, they should give up their Advancement method/tactic/philosophy when they Advance, even if it never came up. But… eeeeeeehhhhh. Assuming the character wants yet another skill from that same career, it’s totally cool if they want to keep the same Advancement Trigger.

    That said, consider that in all the adventures until now, that thing has never happened once. Which might mean the Trigger is a mismatch to the party, narrative or tone of the game. Choosing an Advancement Triggers is like voting on something you feel should happen. One of the design reasons why Advancement Triggers are expended/cycled out when you level is to prevent both over-saturation or under-use.

    #2: Depends entirely on how difficult the mission is, and how in debt the characters are. Easy tasks could just net a single Debt reduction, prolonged missions could mean the whole team gets paid handsomely. Also, going well above-and-beyond in a mission is usually worth a Favor.

    The thing is, factions won’t usually hire a whole crew if they can get away with it. If one character is significantly indebted, the faction might lean on that character as their intermediary, so that they can promise less and threaten more. They’ll target the “weak” character and bribe them with Debt reduction, offering nothing to the rest of the team. Part of that character’s mission will become “convince the others to go along with this”. And then the fun starts when two factions contact two different team members with conflicting high priority missions.

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