So, any thoughts on how to handle an NPC sidekick?
I’ve got one player interested in taking on an NPC sidekick / protege. Uncharted Worlds doesn’t seem to have anything that handles this directly, any thoughts on the best way to tackle it?
– A regular crew with only 1 member?
– Something like the AI companion, but not AI?
– Something like the attendant you get with “Luxury”, but not a butler?
– Lift the Sidekick stuff from Dungeon World wholesale?
What is the purpose of the side kick? Muscle, to act as a technical expert (mechanic, hacker etc…) or a medic? Depending on what they do depends on how you handle them. In my live play i belive I had a character with crew and one with ai and I let them roll their stats in situations where the crew or AI could act but the pc couldn’t. It was fine. Didn’t break the game.
Agreed with Justin Philips: They sound like a Crew of 1. Of course, since they are just one, they will like have more Plot Armor than a Crew with several people. Their Class would translate directly to their skillset and impact on the story. And as the GM you could even award story-based level-ups to the NPC, going from a Class 0 apprentice to a semi-skilled Class 1, and so forth.