Hello everybody

Hello everybody

Hello everybody,

I’ve just read the Spanish version of World in Peril (so you can imagine English is not my mother language, sorry for that) and I want to congratulate Kyle Simmons and the rest of the team for creating such a great superheroes game. I think this is what I’ve been looking for so long to play those epic supers stories that we can’t do with others rpgs. I can’t wait for playing our first adventure.

Nevertheless, I’ve got a couple of questions I’d like to ask to the community, if you don’t mind:

First, I’d like to know how do you manage those typical situations in superhero stories when the characters fight each other, because they don’t know the other one is a heroe too, their interest are opposites in that moment, their relations or bonds, maybe have deteriorated by some sort of circumstances, etc? I mean, as you can see in the first movie of The Avengers where Thor and Iron Man started a fight for bringing Loki with one of them. Or in the recent second season of Daredevil, when The Punisher and the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen fight over Grotto’s life or death (if The Punisher was a main character in the game, not a villain, of course).

In the second place and I think it is related to my first question, when you take the Help and Interfere movement, you can give the target +1 or -2 for the next dice roll, right? But, if EIC doesn’t roll the dice, what it’s the -2 penalty for? Do you use it against another player’s character roll? Because if you do that, there is a chance of starting a quarrel between they inside the fiction, isn’t it?

Thank you.

4 thoughts on “Hello everybody”

  1. Creo que es una apuesta segura responderte en castellano 😛

    Las peleas entre heroes son un clásico, pero casi siempre suelen ser el inicio de una relación. Cuando no es resultado del primer encuentro suele ser debido al climax de alguna saga.

    En el primer caso lo suyo es que los jugadores lo narren como parte de su pasado. 

    “La primera vez que nos vimos nos zurramos bien, jeje” “Si, todavia recuerdo la cara que pusiste cuando descubriste que no era un demonio, jajaj”

    Si han llegado a las manos por otro motivo es simplemente un momento de PvP.

    Personalmente prefiero evitarlos. No busco que los personajes sean los mejores amigos, pero si que colaboren. Un poco de tensión está bien, zurrarse los morros ya no tanto…

    En cuanto a los bonos de interferir son precisamente para PvP.

    El -2 se lo das a tu compañero cuando no quieres que tenga exito en su tirada. Bien porque es contrario a tus intereses, o bien porque directamente te está atacando. 

    Eso es lo mas parecido a una tirada defensiva que se suele encontrar en este tipo de juegos.

  2. Hey there, sorry for the late reply – just got back from a trip. Like Oscar, I usually avoid PVP but it does come up from time to time. When it does though, it doesn’t usually last all that long because, as you say, it’s usually the start of a relationship of some kind, realizing they shouldn’t be fighting each other, and so on.

    So when it does turn to PVP, I just play out the fiction as it happens and use moves as needed. The Take Down move works fine for PVP and since it has resolution of the move in it the battle will go quickly since no one will be able to Defy Danger to avoid consequences. It’ll often come down to who goes first and lucky rolls, but both sides will get beat up since doling out big Conditions usually means taking a hit yourself as well.

    So short answer: Use the moves as needed and don’t let them Defy Danger or change any of the moves as written.

    And yeah, the -2 is usually for keeping others from doing something you don’t want them to do (so if one hero is about to punch another hero, you could roll to interfere with that perhaps). It’s up to the player what they want to do with the move though.

  3. Thank you, Kyle for your reply and again, congratulations for this great game.

    We haven’t started a game yet, but when we do, I suppose more questions will come up so, you will have our news soon, young man… 😀

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