Thought: Masks shines when it highlights the PCs’ inner struggles.

Thought: Masks shines when it highlights the PCs’ inner struggles.

Thought: Masks shines when it highlights the PCs’ inner struggles. Questions of identity and ethics, as driven by their playbook’s theme, general growing pains and heartbreak, and so on.

Problem: while the GM has a plethora of tools to proactively push those buttons, particularly playbook-specific GM moves, the tools on the player side are comparatively limited. Influence is fairly generic (not inherently a bad thing, but it does lack the character-specific flavor of some other games’ relationship mechanics), and Team Moves require the character getting highlighted to initiate the highlighting.

Proposal: Add in Flags, as described here:

This puts character-specific issues on the table in a clear, mechanically supported way, and rewards players who put their fellow heroes in the spotlight. It also addresses the recently-broached topic of Masks not having a reliable income of Potential, in a way that fits with the general theme of earning Potential by growing closer to people.

I don’t think it’s a strictly necessary addition, but I think it would be a good one. I’m going to propose it to my play group and see how it goes.