Quick question: are City Moves cloaked in secrecy? Or should players be shared those triggers and effects up front?

Quick question: are City Moves cloaked in secrecy? Or should players be shared those triggers and effects up front?

Quick question: are City Moves cloaked in secrecy? Or should players be shared those triggers and effects up front?

6 thoughts on “Quick question: are City Moves cloaked in secrecy? Or should players be shared those triggers and effects up front?”

  1. There might be a neat case to keep one or more hidden at first, but if you explicitly put them out there then players will actually know to use them and leverage that, so they’ll actually contribute to the atmosphere & mood of the game. Keeping them hidden just makes that harder.

  2. Even as GM moves, putting them out there means players will probably put themselves into situations where you can use them, even if they try hard against that 🙂

  3. Thanks everyone! Here’s what I came up with:


    “Chicago” (sample from the rulebook): “Delay a city service at the behest of a powerful union.”

    “Don’t Make No Waves, Don’t Back No Losers”: The city rejects an attempt to buck the status quo.

    “Don’t Trust Nobody Nobody Sent”: The city exhibits skepticism toward outsiders or new faces.

    “Lemme Check Wit Da Boss”: An underling has to run it up the chain before proceeding.

  4. Ah, wait! Totally got confused here. I thought you were talking about custom moves. My apologies.

    For these, I don’t share them with players. I just work them into my normal MC routine. Remember to phrase them as concrete actions:

    “An underline has to run it up the chain before proceeding.” should be “Run something up the chain for approval.”

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