I was looking over Necropolis (my cybergothic setting for The Sprawl) and realized I probably should add a new kind…

I was looking over Necropolis (my cybergothic setting for The Sprawl) and realized I probably should add a new kind…

I was looking over Necropolis (my cybergothic setting for The Sprawl) and realized I probably should add a new kind of threat.  It helps spell out how I use supernatural beings within the setting.

New Threat: Monster

Monster Moves

Attack directly and savagely, without mercy.

Claim a lair by force or intrigue.

Reveal the frailty of human emotion.

Offer favor in exchange for sacrifice.

Display supernatural power beyond the reach of mortals.

Reveal the monster within humanity.

Attack the bonds between people.

Defile the sanctity of someone’s body.

Defile the sanctity of someone’s mind.

Change form, revealing something unexpected.

Gather servants to do your bidding.

Seduce someone.

Monster Goals: to corrupt, to breed, to feed, to kill, to control, to be worshiped

4 thoughts on “I was looking over Necropolis (my cybergothic setting for The Sprawl) and realized I probably should add a new kind…”

  1. Brian Schoff It’s actually part of fulfilling the stretch goals on Hamish’s Kickstarter.  So, yes, it will be available.

    It’s not Cthulhuish, it’s much more like Cyber-Ravenloft; more rooted in the Gothic Horror tradition than the Lovecraftian one.

    It basically consists of a skeleton setting description, 13 sample corporations, 2 new playbooks, new gear tags, and a collection of new Basic and GM moves as well as new Principles for the GM to follow.

    Which is actually a lot more than I had intended to write in the first place.  The project kind of got away from me.

  2. Haha. Glad it did! And good to hear it’s part of the Kickstarter. A couple of the moves (Defile the sanctity of someone’s body/mind, Display supernatural powers) made me think Cthulhu.

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