Just picked up Uncharted Worlds today! I’m pretty excited to run it at the end of this week for my players.

Just picked up Uncharted Worlds today! I’m pretty excited to run it at the end of this week for my players.

Just picked up Uncharted Worlds today! I’m pretty excited to run it at the end of this week for my players.

6 thoughts on “Just picked up Uncharted Worlds today! I’m pretty excited to run it at the end of this week for my players.”

  1. Awesome! If you feel like it, I’d love to hear how it went (I’m sure I’m not alone, either; we have a whole section of the community for Actual Play reports :P)

  2. I did have an idea for Career fabric patches that you could stitch on a jacket or backpack. Pick the right and left half circle and stitch them both on.

    However the logistics of producing and shipping physical goods is a full-time job, so sadly it’s unlikely. I’ll content myself with books for now 😛

  3. There are indeed! I’m planning a preview of both the Kinetic and Telepath careers from Far Beyond Humanity (the next supplement after Carta Galaxia) pretty soon. Might take a couple of weeks, but crunch-time at work will soon come to an end and hopefully I’ll have my evenings back.

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