Well done, Michael Sands and gallant comrades.

Well done, Michael Sands and gallant comrades.

Well done, Michael Sands and gallant comrades.

Originally shared by Michael Sands

Tonight my Monday crew finished our Night Witches campaign. We fought through to the bitter end, not a single advance used to move duty stations early.

We lost three player character airwomen over the course of the war, and many others in the squadron and regiment too.

At the end, we toasted the survivors and told the epilogues we imagined for each woman. It seemed like most of them would never again have the freedom they had as aviators. Two of us fled to the west and ended up in the USA.

Over the course of the game we had four different GMs, which was a really nice way to give different perspectives and also helped give the duty stations their own special feeling.

It’s been a great game, and the feeling of making it through only makes me more in awe of the women who actually did it.

Thanks +Jason Morningstar and +Steve Segedy for such a great game!