Hello group, I have been flailing in the PbtA genre for around two years now and I have backed AW 2nd edition and,…

Hello group, I have been flailing in the PbtA genre for around two years now and I have backed AW 2nd edition and,…

Hello group, I have been flailing in the PbtA genre for around two years now and I have backed AW 2nd edition and, well, the Show has made me really want to test out the rules (curse you awesome bard!). I am willing to run a AW “1.5” game because I want to offer the Touchstone and some Limited Playbooks the ability to be played.

That said I want this to be PbP as I have some difficulty with Hangout/Skype games at the moment. I have a few ideas for the type of Apocalypse:

Serenityverse – The Whedon show. 20 years after the events of Serenity movie you will all be on a ship together during the death moans of the Alliance forces and the new governments taking over. Much excitement, much adventure, peri-apocalypse fun.

Steampunk – Girl Genius meets Gaiman lands. I watched a really bad steampunk movie and got inspired. I hope to run it with more plot than was in what I watched.

Duality – Neverwhere mixed with Persona I think. This one is more complex: You are a normal person who, somehow, has an alternative personality/persona (your Playbook). You will have one world (our everyday normal world) and the “apocalypse world” to deal with. I’d be liberally using the Advanced Fuckery chapter.

I am hopefully looking for a group of 3-6 and to take place on myth-weavers. I’m happy to answer questions, entertain nerditry, and discuss concepts.

11 thoughts on “Hello group, I have been flailing in the PbtA genre for around two years now and I have backed AW 2nd edition and,…”

  1. So what was that really bad steampunk movie you watched? So I know where your head’s at with an apocalyptic version of that genre. (and also because I have a soft spot for crappy movies :P)

  2. War of the Worlds: Goliaths. I admit I want a Driver in one of those machines but besides STEAMPUNK TEDDY ROOSEVELT the movie has pretty much a by the book plot and bad action. I watched it the same night as Cowboys vs Dinosaurs so it was a clear winner really.

  3. That sounds amazing (or at least hilarious). And gamewise, an apocalypse with tripod-y clanks and other dangerous mad scientist castoffs roaming the wasteland sounds really cool. Totally on board with the steampunk pitch, probably pass on the other two. They sound cool, too, but I’m already in a Firefly-esque game and I’ve had bad luck with play by post games that try the two-worlds thing.

  4. That is perfectly fine with me. In Serenityverse this could be a special kind of Companion, a lore keeper/bizarre shepherd, or something different!

    For steampunk I can see a unique carnival barker (Freak of the Week music video), an air pirate skald (Clockwork Dolls music), or something different!

    I don’t want to bogart too much, but yes, in Steampunk theme your Rig may be an airship.

  5. I have the set up done (Steampunk). Anyone wishing to apply send “Anhedonia” a PM on Myth-Weavers with the subject “2nd Edition Beta” and we’ll get started.

  6. Awesome; I’ll shoot you a message when I get home. I was leaning towards Waterbearer (all that steam’s gotta come from somewhere!), but if we’ve got The Show on board I’m super tempted to be The News. There’s no business like wasteland show business.

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