I’m working on a werewolf-themed mod for Monster of the Week, and there’s one question I’m stuck on: How do I make a…

I’m working on a werewolf-themed mod for Monster of the Week, and there’s one question I’m stuck on: How do I make a…

I’m working on a werewolf-themed mod for Monster of the Week, and there’s one question I’m stuck on: How do I make a character go on a bloodthirsty rampage that their friends have to fight to snap them out of, WITHOUT taking agency away from the player? I’m looking at Monsterhearts’s Darkest Self mechanic, but finding that lacks the teeth that I want (pun totally intended).

10 thoughts on “I’m working on a werewolf-themed mod for Monster of the Week, and there’s one question I’m stuck on: How do I make a…”

  1. Do you want it to be voluntary on the part of the player, something like “mark XP if you [go on a rampage/attack the nearest innocent]?

    Or are you looking to create a custom move, like “whenever you feel [angry/threatened], roll+[some stat]. On a hit, you remain in control. On a 7-9, however, you partially transform and pick one: a) you scare someone, b) you draw attention to yourself, c) [some other slightly bad thing]

  2. Monte Lin I considered offering XP, but that seems like players will only rampage when it’s convenient for them. I think it needs to be voluntary, but it also needs to be a hard choice, where sometimes you really, really don’t want to rampage but the alternative is even worse. Currently I have it replacing Luck, where instead of spending Luck they can gain Fury and once they hit a certain amount they rampage but their Fury resets. The problem with that is that in all the MotW games I’ve played, players seemed to never spend their Luck.

  3. Sebastian Baker do you know the Stress mechanic that Mark Diaz Truman introduced in Cartel? It has this boiling point feel that will totally have you going rampage if your stress is full.

  4. You could also consider something like “you get SOME AWESOME BONUS if you rage, but the Keeper gets to choose one of: A LIST OF TERRIBLE THINGS”

  5. I would consider something along the lines of acting under fire…

    Gain fury when x, y or z (something they do, something is done to them…); when you have 3 fury, rampage and clear fury, otherwise you’re acting under fire (and leave to the MC the details of what happens, depending on the situation).

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