7 thoughts on “Hi.”

  1. I’d pick up the first Dresden Files book (Storm Front) and read it — it’s great for showing the faction interactions (vampires vs. wizards vs. fairy). Also, you can find a couple of episodes on YouTube, but they don’t really do the faction aspect justice, IMHO. You’ll see it, but you need to be in Dresden’s head for a lot of the politics involved.

  2. Gotcha. in that case – from what i’ve seen – Lost Girl is a really great go-to for supernatural politics, thoughts about how factions interact, etc. The interpersonal stuff, meh, but for political machinations it really sings. Hell, at one point a Debt is openly negotiated, the conversation could have been put whole cloth into an Urban Shadows session.

  3. I didn’t have much of any supernatural experience when I bought and started running Urban Shadows. I was familiar enough with urban settings to where the supernatural elements were able to be weaved in relatively easily. I also took the recommendation of someone to watch Being Human. It’s basically Night: The TV Show, but it’s good for supernatural drama.

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