Team Moves.

Team Moves.

Team Moves. As in, the “sharing a triumphant celebration with someone” and “sharing a weakness or vulnerability with someone” moves on each playbook.

Most of them don’t interact with the Team mechanic at all, you’re free to use them with team members and non-team members alike, and they don’t fill a particular niche for team-wide interaction because they only support your interaction with a single person anyway. Both narratively and mechanically they don’t do much that’s particularly team-oriented, any more than other moves like Comfort and Support do.

…so isn’t these moves being listed as “Team Moves” a bit of a weird choice? They’re more like… relationship moves, or expression moves, or sharing, or bonding, or “real talk”, or “triumphs and tribulations”, or… something. But “Team Moves” just seems like a misnomer, and reminding my players that they can safely ignore the “Team” part of that heading (when they want to share a vulnerability with their NPC sibling and the like) is getting a bit dry. 😛

4 thoughts on “Team Moves.”

  1. I found in my games that they were used mostly with The Team, or people who are informally on the PC’s team (Think X-men vs ‘Team Arrow’ in the seasons before they all fought crime exclusively.)

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