Hey psychics and battle babes! Is there any changelog from 1st to 2nd AW Edition floating in the maelstrom that I can check out?
I know the pdf will be available mid-July, but we’re preparing for a convention here in Rosario and I’m helping our head Apocalypse World MC getting ready for the big event. I would love to know what updates he’ll have to re-learn from 1st Ed and what he can fall back to (also the sooner we start translating playbooks the better).
Any leads?
A list of changes to playbooks was posted to the kickstarter by Austin Friestman: http://pastebin.com/raw/BPzjC3s3 and the preview PDF from the kickstarter includes the moves and playbooks: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/226674021/apocalypse-world-2nd-edition/posts/1485042