Magpie Games (or anyone else who knows, I guess!) Has anything changed in the rules that makes the V3 reference…

Magpie Games (or anyone else who knows, I guess!) Has anything changed in the rules that makes the V3 reference…

Magpie Games (or anyone else who knows, I guess!) Has anything changed in the rules that makes the V3 reference sheets inaccurate? And are there plans to release a shiny new set of them updated with things like dedicated GM workspace for keeping track of hooks and their associated labels & NPCs during a session?

The sheets are absolutely invaluable resources during play, and I haven’t noticed anything out of place so far, but I’m teaching a guy how to GM Masks (his first run at PbtA GMing!) and I don’t want to confuse him if we stumble across points where the book text and reference sheet don’t line up.

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