There are times where I’m just tickled at what comes out of a solid design session.

There are times where I’m just tickled at what comes out of a solid design session.

There are times where I’m just tickled at what comes out of a solid design session.

In the “Fanatic” career, to replace ‘Relic’ (which has moved over to the Chosen career)


Choose a topic. Whenever you gain a Data Point about anything else, explain how it relates to your chosen topic. If you can, gain a Data Point about your chosen subject instead.

2 thoughts on “There are times where I’m just tickled at what comes out of a solid design session.”

  1. This skill is actually a lot like Herb Gardening, in that it requires time to really GET, but once you understand it fully, you will never be lacking in the resources you need – be they thyme, mint, or knowledge about a thing!

    (I’ll take my Data Point now)

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