Far Beyond Humanity Career Week

Far Beyond Humanity Career Week

Far Beyond Humanity Career Week

Day 1 – Arcane


I really enjoyed doing this when writing UW, so I’m dong it again here. Every day I’ll be releasing a new career. FBH has 7 careers that will be added to the existing 10 (increasing the total number of career combinations from 45 to a whopping 136(!!!)).

Feedback, questions, gut feelings or even (gasp) playtests would be immensely appreciated. (Have I mentioned how awesome a community you guys are. S’truth.)

First up we have the Arcane career. As I blogged/posted previously, I ended up merging two potential careers (Arcane and Occult) into one, to not oversaturate a sci-fi game with too much magic.

Arcane allowed me to toy with game elements that I thought were one-trick ponies, like Wild Jumps. It also allowed me to try my hand at tackling the recurring “problem child” of rules, the dreaded polymorph. I’m excited to see how this version pans out. Also, a fun design in Alchemy (alternate kit use) allowed me to get more mileage out of the basic skills, effectively making them modal.

Tomorrow: The Chosen.


5 thoughts on “Far Beyond Humanity Career Week”

  1. This is good. It’s really powerful, but also very flavorful. I would add some fun pseudosciencey stuff like “Fifth-dimensional nexuses” or similar to the flavor, but that’s just me.

  2. Is “Transform” also going to be available as a mutation / alien-biology power, ala Odo?

    I’m a bit lukewarm on Alchemy. It feels necessary, I guess, but not particularly exciting if that makes any sense.

    Everything else looks very sensible.

  3. Absolutely. I’m still working on the alien race rules (it’s a toughie, and I want to get it right) but yes, you’ll see several career skills being re-purposed as alien biology.

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