Is there any GM Love letter examples online that I could read?

Is there any GM Love letter examples online that I could read?

Is there any GM Love letter examples online that I could read? Also I would really like to read a ton of custom moves – I really liked the one for giving a interview and would like to learn how to build few for our game.

Two things I would like to have stuff are filming a film (our students are basically doing involved in King Kong shoot) and the before – during and after halloween event moves. 🙂

9 thoughts on “Is there any GM Love letter examples online that I could read?”

  1. Could this work:

    Dear Humphrey

    You have finally managed to regain control to your mind – losing only day or two this time – and find yourself on the airship with your schoolmates sharing your cabin with Alex again. Lieutenant Mr. First has been giving you more tours and told you stories about his exploits. How does his stories influence you? How does Mr. First say he sees you during the encounter? (Give Mr. First influence and choose one option)

    A) You are influenced by his stories and bond with the daring action – and Shift to be More Freaky and Less Mundane. OR B) You are influenced more about the tales about the world and the vast knowledge – and Shift to be More Superior and Less Dangerous OR C) You are influenced by the need to explore this world and be part of it, to be part of the school and with your friends – more than the other timelines you have, or will have, explored – and Shift to be More Mundane and Less Freaky.

    The Jungle opens around you and you remember that you will be back in the base by the inner sea sometimes at Friday night. Tomorrow is the Halloween day and night with festivities you have no real knowledge but are extremely excited to attend. You have done what you can to get a ghost airship pirate uniform – getting parts from Mr. First and the rest from the Airship storage.

    You had some nice moments with someone at the later part of the flight before you went to bed. Who was it? What did they say that made you think yourself more like a Bull than Legacy? In the end you said something that you now feel was wrong to say and perhaps a bit hurtful – what was it? (Give the person influence and then shift one label up and another down). Why could you not say you were sorry?

    Be ready for the Halloween!

    Hugs and Kisses

    Your GM

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