So I’m hoping someone could help with this as I wait for AW2 to come out.

So I’m hoping someone could help with this as I wait for AW2 to come out.

So I’m hoping someone could help with this as I wait for AW2 to come out. I want to run a game with the new rules, buy on a lot of character sheets it says if you want to start with a vehicle or prosthetic ask the GM.

1. Does that just mean ask the GM if it’s OK, or is this a tell for a mechanic?

2. Are prosthetics and robotic limbs meant to give an in game bonus or disadvantage or are they just for flavor?

Meguey Baker​ Vincent Baker​ would either of you be willing to elaborate? Or does anyone else have any ideas?

3 thoughts on “So I’m hoping someone could help with this as I wait for AW2 to come out.”

  1. The main point is that you and the GM both need to know and remember what the prosthetic looks like, how it might be more capable than a regular limb, and what it’s weaknesses are. The GM need to know so they can “activate the downside” and you need to know so you can bring it into the description and fiction as often as it’s relevant. So it’s more than “ask if it’s ok”, because it suggests things about the world and what resources you’ve had.

    If the prosthetic contains a weapon in any way, then yes, consider detailing it as a custom weapon and figure out what harm and upkeep it needs.

  2. Has anyone written any ideas yet for prosthetics with pros and cons. Ate there some in the final edition of the book. I wanted to look at some examples.

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