Hey guys I made a list of playbook move synergies and posted it onto the sprawl subreddit.

Hey guys I made a list of playbook move synergies and posted it onto the sprawl subreddit.

Hey guys I made a list of playbook move synergies and posted it onto the sprawl subreddit. Anything I missed? Let me know if I missed anything or what moves you think combo well together.


9 thoughts on “Hey guys I made a list of playbook move synergies and posted it onto the sprawl subreddit.”

  1. Changed the formatting which should make it a little easier to digest and less wall of text like. Please let me know of any combos I missed or if anything in this helps you think up character advancement.

  2. I like the Tech->Mechanic synergy as well. You would get 2 more drones, can work on your vehicles, and have a location (garage) to work on them.

  3. Yeah in the game I play I’m a Driver and was trying to figure out what moves would be wise to look at and decided it would be good if everyone had this resource.

  4. Nathan Camp Yep, lots of toys to play with. You can always just buy the drones as well but you don’t get the mechanic aspects and the garage (which sounds super cool). I just got the Right Tool for the Job advancement for my Driver. Likely to get Tech->Mechanic next though. I’ll definitely consider a couple that you posted though.

  5. For my next character advancement I pretty much have decided that my Driver is getting See The Angles as I think that move is soooo good and helps out my character who is terrible whenever it comes to hitting the street. I am also working towards getting synth nerves as those seem like they’d be very helpful for any driver who needs to get in and get out and who might find themselves in a scrap.

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