16 thoughts on “Curious to see if anyone has had a chance to try out AW: Fallen Empires and has any anecdotes to share.”

  1. I have prepped a game for my friends at Origins that merges Fallen Empires and J. Walton’s Planarch Codex (with some other Planescape analogues) – the synopsis being that the Fiend War ravaged across their home, destroying everything in its wake before moving on. As it’s a one shot, the game opens as the leaders of the local community have decided to head through the open portal the fiends left, to try to find a better place to live. I hope to eventually set them up in their own small parish (stronghold!) in Dis by the end.

  2. Balance is rarely the point of a Baker AW game text. Just sayin’ 

    Sebastian Baker and josh savoie are running concurrent games at our place with the #BakerHouseBand. Ruben Perkins and Evan Janssen and Bridget Lowry and Alix Janssen and Elliot Baker may want to chime in for a player perspective.

  3. I’m finding it noticeably harder to run than Apocalypse World, in ways that I can’t quite explain. It might just be that I’m less familiar with dark fantasy than with post-apocalyptic stuff.

  4. I took a look back through all of them, including the ones from AW, and it appears that there is only one real outlier. The 3rd array for the Strongholder appears to have a typo or something. The bonuses add up to 6, whereas the others add up to 3. While most of the rest are pretty close to one another, the Strongholder one is probably the only one that needs to be looked at.

  5. Aaron Griffin Not a clue! I’ve known about it for a while but I haven’t looked back at it yet, just put it on the to-do list. For now you can make up your own or just cross it out.

  6. Cool-1, Hard+2, Hot+1, Sharp+1, Weird=0

    • Cool+1, Hard+2, Hot+1, Sharp=+1, Weird-2

    –> Cool+2, Hard+2, Hot=0, Sharp+2, Weird=0

    • Cool=0, Hard+2, Hot+1, Sharp-1, Weird+1

    My guess is that it would be Cool +1, Hard +2, Hot = 0, Sharp +1, Weird = -1 (or maybe +1 Hot instead of Sharp?)

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