Originally shared by Avery Alder
Hey, friends who like Monsterhearts!
For months, I’ve been considering the idea of a revised edition of Monsterhearts. I’ll talk a little in the comments about some of the things on my to-change list, but more importantly: I’d like to gather some input about experiences of play.
I designed this survey: http://goo.gl/forms/NVP3diDfXzywR6V52
If you’ve played/MCed the game, I’d love it if you could fill it out. Doing so will probably take 10-45 minutes, depending on how diverse your play experiences are and how verbose you get.
(In a way, this is also me testing the waters for whether there’s an enthusiastic market for a second edition. More responses means more confidence about the idea of moving forward.)
I won’t take the survey, as I haven’t yet gotten the chance to play, but I’d be interested in getting a second edition if it came out!
ho, dang. Finally bought a physical copy of the book this weekend after running off the PDF for years. But I’m still super-excited about the possibility of a second edition.
This game is so beautifully done, I’m not sure it even needs a second edition, but I would totally buy it anyway. I’ll take the survey and maybe I’ll think of something.
Second what Adam said, the game doesn’t really need another edition, it’s perfect for what it intended to do.
That said, I think A second edition would be great if it included new Skins (from the online community, Second Skins and other sources) and a clearer text explaining moves and the whole logic of the game. I think there’s still much “Apocalypse World” in it, and it’s not very intuitive if you haven’t played RPGs before, and mostly confusing if you have played only old-school, D&D-like games.
Partly I would agree with Adam. There are a few mechanics that I’ve found underused. For example the advantage and disadvantage mechanic.
Definitely a buy for me as well.
I did yo’ thing!