I’m considering running a Fallen Empires one shot tomorrow night to flesh out some of my ideas.

I’m considering running a Fallen Empires one shot tomorrow night to flesh out some of my ideas.

I’m considering running a Fallen Empires one shot tomorrow night to flesh out some of my ideas. It will involves demons, devils, possible travel to other planes, and a somewhat Planescape/Into the Odd vibe.

It will be over hangouts at 8PM central time and run for 2-3 hours. I’d be looking for 3-4 players.

Anyone interested?

5 thoughts on “I’m considering running a Fallen Empires one shot tomorrow night to flesh out some of my ideas.”

  1. Hi. I would have liked to play too but today was just not a good day. Unfortunately it will probably be around 3 weeks before I can do a Saturday (on vacation). Please let me know if you are going to run FE one shot. I’ve been trying to get folks to play but have been unable to drum up support for it.

  2. Ok, will do. This was almost spur of the moment but I will pitch the one shot a bit better in the future.

    The only major rule supplements I intend to add are: the addition of supernatural creatures using Urban Shadows rules (more harm to kill them, innate resistance that works like armor), and probably more odd magical items in the vein of Into the Odd or the Cypher System.

    But otherwise it will be straight FE.

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