Hello Wrestle Fans!

Hello Wrestle Fans!

Hello Wrestle Fans!

Today is Saturday June 25th! And it’s a beautiful day for some exciting Sports Entertainment!

This is the organizational thread for Saturday Morning Main Event, a weekly pick-up game of World Wide Wrestling. It requires no experience with the game, we’ll teach you everything you need to know. If you’d like to start a promotion, just let us know and we’ll be happy to help you along the process.

When we get 4 or more players and it’s after 12:00 EST we can get the show started. If you want to tag in, just let us know and we’ll figure out a way to get you in. If you want to talk about your exploits in the squared circle be sure to use the hashtag #SMME

Please prepare a character and a NPW before start time, as that will greatly speed up the process of getting the game started.

If you want to take a look over the Heat Map and other Documents don’t hesitate to go to the #SMME Folder by following this link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8vBGcQnMZr9WUN5YUhSanB5THc&usp=sharing


19 thoughts on “Hello Wrestle Fans!”

  1. Hey Adam! Stras and I are dealing with technical difficulties independent of each other. Do you want to make the call and invite me because my name is a little more unique?

  2. The villainous DRACULETTA O’DOHERTY, Aussie Vampire, reigned supreme. She not only broke up a boss/Foreigner fight, she won a multi-person match that the High Flyer came up with through chicanery and mental manipulation. Good stuff.

  3. Foreigner (THE BEAR) Audience 4 to Audience 0 in five minutes, and recovered to 3 and did a heel face turn. Crazy, crazy morning. Really pedal to the metal game, lots of gas.

    Also Adam thanks for some of the wrestling links, helps me get my lingo in order.

  4. It was 4 actually (I started top of the card from last week) but someone else took the 4, dropping me down to 3 right before I started my nosedive. The rest I did on my own ^_~

  5. Who will dethrone Draculetta this week? My friend Mel is looking to join as a Cheerleader character and I wonder what Playbook makes the most sense.

     Last time she was the Indie Darling.

  6. If there’s room, it would be fun to be a player in this game for once. I’ll create a couple of characters and see which playbooks are available. I hope I’ll be able to make it this saturday, I know I have to go into the lab and check on an experiment but unless it’s gone to shit I should be back on time. It’s going to be 6pm here in Sweden and hopefully I’ll not be stuck in the lab…again.

    Is there any software I should get or anywhere I need to register beforehand?

  7. Hey Fredrik Lyngfalk​! It would be awesome for you to play with us. There’s no software necessary as we run this in Hangouts. So make sure that will work for you. No need to register before hand though if you could create a character beforehand, that would be swell.

    I hope you can join us! Look for the organizational thread for the game tomorrow at this time.

  8. My experiments did not go well, I will be stuck in lab ’til late trying to troubleshoot and determine if it is worth repeating before monday. I doubt I’ll be home before 9pm (3pm EST), just letting you know so you don’t wait around.

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