4 thoughts on “Hey everybody!”

  1. Which game are you prepping for? AW? Or another PbtA game? That might help get more useful feedback.

    Two bits of advice:

    1. have a numbered list of GM moves as written for your game. When the rules call for a GM move and you don’t have an immediate inspiration, randomly pick from that list (roll a die if needed!) and challenge yourself to improvise THAT GM move in a reasonable way.

    This has really helped my ability to include a variety of GM moves and to improvise in-game.

    2. bring 4-5 pictures of different settings appropriate to the system. For AW, for instance, the settings are likely barren; but some can be frozen tundra, or desert wasteland, or abandoned, collapsing city, or deep forest, etc….

    Show these pictures, and ask the players to vote on a picture that shows the kind of setting we want to play in.

    Once you know the picture, ask each player to give a word or phrase that described the setting, or the kinds of things you find in the setting.

    Now the players, having had a very quick discussion of the nature of the setting, should have a shared understanding upon which to choose playbooks and create their specific characters. This can save time, and inspire the quick choices made during creation.

    If you’re using pre-generated characters, bring a picture or two showing settings/setting options anyway, to help describe quickly what might otherwise take valuable time to convey with words.

  2. Thanks for the quick feedback Andrew Fish and Philip Espi !

    That’s exactly why I post in the PbtA forums because you all are usually really helpful.

    Andrew Fish I’ll be running a few different *World games over the convention weekend. But I give the group 2 options each session. I did it last year as well and it turned out to be a lot of fun.

    Primarily though, I think I’ll be running more AW. So I’ve gathered some resources (About 42 pages worth, didn’t realize it was that much lol)

    I also already have NPC, Trap, Location, and Monster cards created for Dungeon World.

    So I was just looking for a bit More. Like the kind I may not have thought of. The ideas for the GM Move list and location pictures is great and just what I was hoping for.

    Philip Espi Thanks for the link! The pictures look good =D

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