Hi everyone.

Hi everyone.

Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone had made some sort of hack or playset involving the players all contributing to the same singular object of focus. Like, looking after a space ship, or a castle, or a giant mech.

I was inspired after seeing the new Voltron series on Netflix, and thought an apocalypse hack where all the players contribute to the strength of one item. This could be done for a Voltron game, or a power rangers game, or a Captain Planet game etc. A game where coming together as a team is essential to victory.

I had an idea for how friendship/teamwork works, based off Epyllion’s friendship gems. But I was hoping someone else has done some singular item or focus that all players contribute to. Then I would have a starting off point.

Has anyone done anything like this, or something that could help inspire me?

Thanks in advance for your help.

14 thoughts on “Hi everyone.”

  1. Has there not been any sci-fi or spaceship hacks? I’ve seen Masks, it’s good but it’s not what I am looking for.

    Will look at blades in the dark again.

  2. My team work mechanic is based in Epyllion’s right now. I was wondering if there was any hacks which had a central source all the players contributed to.

    Like I know Blades in the Dark has all the players try to increase the strength/prestige of the gang they are all part of.

    Are there any other hacks like that?

  3. I’d also check out Night Witches and The Watch. Both involve the pc’s fighting a war together and I believe both also divide up rolls during missions 

  4. I think an open beta was posted at some point but I’m not sure. I’ve been reading an attempt to hack it so I might be mixing up what I’ve read of that with what I’ve heard of the Watch

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