My Roll20 character sheet, play environment and Stylish sheet for The Sprawl are ready for a spot of testing if…

My Roll20 character sheet, play environment and Stylish sheet for The Sprawl are ready for a spot of testing if…

My Roll20 character sheet, play environment and Stylish sheet for The Sprawl are ready for a spot of testing if you’re interested. Each is independent of the others but I think they work best as a set.

A public version of the game is here:

You can install the Stylish sheet here; this will make the Roll20 UI look a bit more complementary:

It should all be self-explanatory from there. Open up some of the character sheets and have a play around; enter some content, click some buttons.

Some features:

– This is based on a one-page Roll20 setup where you drag visual reference and maps and draw little diagrams on the one page as you need to. Lightweight. I’ve made some pins and flags and crosshair graphics to help indicate PCs, NPCs, and fictional positioning on the fly.

– Players can drag their own cred tokens from the library on to the board for stakes, as well as tokens to remind them about Hold and Forwards. Use the text tool to add notes to these so you remember what they relate to. The player boxes are a separate resizable graphic on the map layer, so you can add as many as you need and just resize them to fit.

– Harm Clock are multi-sided tokens, so you can right-click on them and change their value as needed. The GM can also hide them on the GM layer when they want to.

– The Move Buttons in the top-right area let the MC easily access the results for most moves. The player should make the roll first, then the MC clicks on the relevant button and can select the result option in the top left of their screen (Token Action area). These are 10+, 7-9, and 6- as usual.

Hopefully this keeps everything in one place and makes the game really fast to run without being restrictive.

Thoughts welcome!

11 thoughts on “My Roll20 character sheet, play environment and Stylish sheet for The Sprawl are ready for a spot of testing if…”

  1. I like it a lot, especially the character sheets–I was really impressed by the animations at the top of the sheets–but the layout feels very busy in the main area. I suppose a lot of that is the high-quality mock maps and such, but the important data feels a bit hidden in the mix. Is there some way to put the cred stakes and hold/forward zones on the left bar?

  2. Craig Lewin thanks for taking a look! Good idea on shuffling the layout. It’s tricky designing around the different zoom levels possible – I was trying to think in terms of a lot of zooming out, going to a particular area and zooming back in.

    Here’s the base board: you can see it’s actually quite simple at its heart – the example shown is meant to be late in a mission.

  3. Damn…everything looks great….My only question is I can make the backgrounds work..but how do I extract your clocks and the other stylistic effects from your background move them into my game?

    These are things that I dont quite know how to do.

  4. Riley Crowder good question – let me have a think about that. Unfortunately Roll20 has very strict controls around sharing assets between campaigns to prevent copyright infringement, so I don’t think I can easily share all the tokens and graphics I’ve set up. I can give you all the PNGs on imgur for you to load in yourself if you like – but you’d have to set up macros, rollable tables, etc yourself 🙁

  5. Could you make a duplicate of the campagin and then transfer ownership? Hoping for less work

    That being said all of the images would be good too. I think I began to figure out how that multisided token worked…

    I dont know quite how to build those move buttons when you post a the images if you could post a quick description of the process id be greatful. I can probabaly figure it out from there.

  6. I’m pretty new to RollD20 – I’ve got the character sheet installed, have installed Stylish, but am not sure what other steps I need to make to test this thing out.

    Am I missing steps or just asking prematurely?

  7. simon max hill nope that should do it! is it not working?

    The sheet is now live as an official Roll20 sheet, so you can actually just choose “Sprawl” under character sheet in your settings rather than copy-pasting the HTML/CSS. The live Roll20 version is better and has some bug fixes.

  8. Tim Denee character sheet works great on RollD20. Super impressed with it. Haven’t used RollD20 to play any games, but one day I’ll get some buddies who wanna Sprawl with me remotely and we’ll make it happen.

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