Tracking harm for vehicles?

Tracking harm for vehicles?

Tracking harm for vehicles?

Should we bother tracking harm on a clock for vehicles, or just handle it in a more narrative fashion? Likewise, would you use the armor for the vehicle or just transfer it directly to the character? Any advice for running scenes with vehicles would be great, I have a feeling I’ll be running a car chase in my game tonight.

5 thoughts on “Tracking harm for vehicles?”

  1. I do it narratively. You could use a clock though if you really want to focus on the car chase as an extended scene.

    You could also use clocks to measure whether the fleeing car gets away or not: an Escape Clock and a Pursuit Clock. Fort to 0000 wins.

  2. Hamish Cameron Thanks for the reply. I think I might just go with a progress tracker type thing for pacing it. Hadn’t thought of that till you mentioned it.

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