6 thoughts on “Hey guys”

  1. You can post to only Paul via G+ and he can send his skype that way. Alternatively a Hangout only needs to know his handle here to pull him in to a Hangout.

  2. So, you got your additional player?

    Keep me in mind as an alternate.  I’ve played a little Dungeon World and bought that and Uncharted Worlds and The Sprawl, but haven’t read it all yet.

    I most like to play on Roll20.net, but it seems short of GMs and many players answering requests for players seem inexperienced.  It’s always better to advertise on forums dedicated to a specific game.  There are many nifty character sheets there with automated dice-rolls, but for a new game like The Sprawl someone has to know HTML/CSS scripting to make a comparably useful character sheet.

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