9 thoughts on “Hello gang!”

  1. There really won’t be too much to it, it uses all the rules as is, and most things added are just descriptive, or exist to push the story forward.

    Basically, by tying the characters to Fern, they are bound together, whether they’re friends or enemies. It allows players, especially new ones, to skip to the part where they’re deeply interacting, rather than unsure of themselves and how the game functions.

    Once complete it’ll have “episodes” that you can spring on the players, to keep things interesting, and have a plot moving alongside their own plans, much like a TV show like Buffy the Vampire Slayer had character drama and a villain per episode.

  2. I’m glad Jamie Sue!

    The vibe I’d go for is like the games Oxenfree and Life is Strange, or like many of the “video blogs that turn out to be about Slenderman” that were all the rage a few years ago.

    Kind of chilled out, slow pace, existential horror.

  3. BLARG! I’m being called back to work early, so I’m down to texting from my phone.

    I’ll try to add a bit more over the next five days. Thanks for reading so far, I’ll get back to this when I can.

  4. Jamie Sue Don’t plus one me, my heads in my hands haha!

    I do really like this project though, I like the idea of providing episodes with lots of blanks to fill.

    Anyone got any feedback so far?

  5. So, ran M<3's last night for a bunch of folk who have very little experience outside the D&D space. Fern pulled everyone in really nicely, and set up a nicely fractious circle for the group by the end of backgrounds.

    Will definitely repeat the experiment in future groups, this was fantastic. 

    Fern wound up swept out to see by an undertow while being pursued by unknown figures with red eyes (who wound up being a werewolf cult as other backstory elements got brought in).   In addition to the normal backstories, how the players reacted to losing fern left a lot of loose strings to pull on. 

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