My Masks character sheet for Roll20 is now available for public use.

My Masks character sheet for Roll20 is now available for public use.

My Masks character sheet for Roll20 is now available for public use. The first minute of the attached video shows how to find it (even if you’ve never used Roll20 before) — the rest details how to use it.

3 weeks ago I didn’t know HTML or CSS. At all. Previously I’d cobbled together a playable sheet for Masks by making superficial changes to my homemade Monsterhearts sheet, which was itself blindly hacked out of the original AW sheet with no real idea why any of it worked.

This time around I’ve probably rewritten a good 70% of the existing code and added to it pretty significantly. Through the power of Google and a phenomenal amount of trial-and-error I’ve actually managed to teach myself how to code this stuff from scratch and it all came together surprisingly fast.

I don’t actually have a regular gaming group these days, which means I’ve yet to use the sheet in a real gameplay scenario. So if you do play a session using it, please let me know how it went, what worked & what didn’t, all that good stuff. I can push updates through as often as I like, so refinements are very doable.

Shout-out to Marissa Kelly for hooking me up with official assets when the sheet still looked a bit crap and Magpie Games as a whole for making awesome games that’re worth supporting.

Have fun with it, guys.

13 thoughts on “My Masks character sheet for Roll20 is now available for public use.”

  1. This looks super-awesome! Only thing I miss is a second page for backstory, powers and notes. There is no place to add playbook specifics such as legacy and drives and secret identity stuff as it is.

  2. Well yeah, it’s doable for backstory and static stuff, but for things in game that might change I’d rather have a more hassle free way.

    For drives and sanctuary in particular it seems to be a real annoyance. Not to mention getting the doom tracks as a Transformed advancement.

  3. Drives are actually tracked on the sheet — you can see ’em at ~3:00 in the video above, or alongside the other playbook-specific features at ~11:40. Or fire up Roll20 and try it out. 😛

    Implementing the specific cross-playbook features (like a Transformed being able to get a Doom) is actually something I’ve been tinkering with; I can get it working, it’s just not a very elegant solution at the moment, so I’m refining it a bit before pushing through to public release. Now that the game’s out, I should probably knuckle down on some of this stuff. 😛

    For legacy, secret identity and sanctuary, what would you like to see on the sheet to help use them? They don’t really change during play and they have no unique rollable mechanics, so I guess I’m at a bit of a loss as to what functionality they’d provide on the character sheet.

  4. Ah, I had missed that! It might have been some website error because Roll20 acted a little strange but I’m going to take the blame anyway for not being perceptive enough.

    One solution might be a simple playbook pulldown menu which also activates the corresponding playbook toggle but one can manually turn on and off the individual toggles to access the features. That way it’s still clear what you play as while you can have features of both transformed and doomed. Probably also the least amount of work.

  5. Hey Matt, any chance you could quote me a price for doing this for The Veil and possibly Worlds in Peril as well? I got the assets around for both. Would love a pretty sheet for The Veil especially as I run it online predominately. I’ve changed up the typical AW sheet for the character sheet stuff but don’t know how to do the CSS stuff. Matt Morton

  6. Hello Matt. I translated your character sheet in french. I would be ready to request a pull, but I have a problem with the titles, because they are made from pictures. Are those pictures among the assets given to you by Marissa Kelly and Magpie Games ?

  7. Sorry guys, totally missed these notifications somehow.

    Fraser Simons I have no idea where I’d even come from as far as charging for the work, so I’d probably just make it a “throw donations at my Paypal if you like it” scheme. I can take a look at doing sheets up for those games though — just dropbox me any relevant assets / fonts and ideally link me an Actual Play of the game in question, so I can get an idea for how the sheet should run.

    Guy Blavin Those title images I made by hand in an image editor. If you can send me a list of the translated titles, doing up a translated collection for your sheet should be no problem.

  8. Matt Morton you rock 🙂

    Here are the translations:








    (beacon) DRIVES -> MOTIVATIONS

    (bull) BULL’S HEART -> TON COEUR

    (doomed) DOOMTRACK -> DESTINEE

    (nova) BURN -> JETONS NOVA

    (protégé) MENTOR=MENTOR (no change)

    (newborn) LESSONS -> LECONS

    (reformed) CONTACTS=CONTACTS (no change)

    Thank you 🙂

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