Six players is bit much and I need to lean on more on the players what they characters want and what they find…

Six players is bit much and I need to lean on more on the players what they characters want and what they find…

Six players is bit much and I need to lean on more on the players what they characters want and what they find themselves doing – first session was good and no one hated it 😀

3 thoughts on “Six players is bit much and I need to lean on more on the players what they characters want and what they find…”

  1. Now I need to learn how to make love letters for my players. First night in the summer school could by itself be nice though I could jump a day forward. Deliquent and Nova went to town to trash stuff.. so there could be something

  2. The game burned perhaps down with harsh words between characters – I don’t think there are many influences left. Five grew away and one to his own image…. Will see if the game will be salvaged next time. Will depend on if my players help me out as I frankly cannot bring them together from this… but might be cool if they do… Will see.

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